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Junxing Quad Split Limb L-Brackets for Bow Press
Quad Split Limb L Brackets for Bow Press by Junxing Archery
Junxing M115 Swallow Fiberglass bow kit
Comes with 2 suction caps, finger tab, arm guard. Bow is 28" bow.
Junxing Target Bag
40cmX40cmX20cm. Filled with a polester filling making arrow removal easy. Only suitable for low poundage bows.
Junxing Thumb release
Cheap hand held three finger release. There is no tension or travel adjustment. Silver is Stainless steel, black is anodized.
Junxing Portable Bow Press
Portable BOW PRESS for Compound String Replacement by Junxing Archery
Junxing F119 Petrel Youth Recurve bow kit - clearance
Bow comes with 2 piece quiver, arrow rest
F118 Osprey Kids Compound bow kit 20# 25
Kit comes with arrow rest, sight, 2 piece quiver, 4 fiberglass arrows, arm guard, finger tab.
JunXing F168 Target Recurve 62
JunXing F168 Target Recurve 68
Junxing F154 Recurve bow 54
Children Recurve Bow Bow Length: 54 inches Draw Weight: 12 or 16 Lbs Suggested Age: 5 - 8 yrs old
Junxing F154 Recurve bow 62
Junxing F158 Target recurve bow 68
Riser is magnesium alloy. Great colours, 23" riser, Brace Height 8.25". Bow Weight 2.8# comes with String
Junxing F166 Recurve Liimbs IFL 64
Limbs only - for IFL
Big Rock Fiber Foam IFL recurve limbs 68
JunXing F167 Target Recurve 66
ILF riser, ILF limbs, Bow length: 66'', Bow weight: 2.9lb, Bow riser: 23'', Riser material: aluminum, Brace height: 7.7''-8.5''
Junxing Vigor Carbon limbs Formula 68
These are a wood Carbon limb to suit Formula risers.
JunXing F168D Hunting Recurve 62
Has position for sights, plunger and stabilizer. Comes with string you need to add an arrow rest
Junxing F163 Hunting Recurve 62
Take down recurve with metal riser. Bow weight 3.2# IBO 175fps
Junxing M106 Target compound bow Black - Clearance
Axle to Axle 39.5", IBO 320 fps, Brace Height 8.25", Draw 23-30" Bow Weight 4#
Junxing F178 Fiberglass Hunting take down bow
Triangle Compound Bow 27
Nightbird Triangle Compound Bow 27" 50# - w/ Peep Sight & D-Loop - Ambidextrous
Junxing F185 Hunting recurve RH
56",58" or 60". Metal riser, shoot off the shelf or screw and arrow rest in. Has sight holes and can fit a 2 piece quiver. Comes with String. You will need a...
JunXing F165 Target Recurve 68
International fitting limbs
JunXing F172 Black Hunter Longbow 60
Shoot off the shelf. Bamboo limbs for added speed.
Junxing Phoenix compound bow RH (M108)
Axle to axle 40", Brace Height 7", Draw Length 26-31.5", Poundage 30-55#, IBO 315fps
Junxing F166 Recurve IFL 64
Riser 21", Bow length 64", Brace Height 7.5-8.5", Mass Weight 3.4#. Colour - Black, Buckskin or Camo. Clip in limbs - Right hand only
JunXing H22 Take Down Recurve Hunting 60
All wood with international Fitting limbs which clip together for easy use. Comes with string and hair rest.
Junxing F174 longbow 54
Wood longbow for the junior archer.
Junxing Max 7 RH 30-70# 19-31
Comes in Tan and Black, 30-70# 19-31", 320FPS, 32" Axle to Axle, 80% Let off
Junxing M129 30-70# 19-31
Comes in Tan and Black, 30-70# 19-31", 320FPS, 32" Axle to Axle, 80% Let off
Junxing M121 compound bow kit RH SECOND HAND
Draw Weight 0-75#, Draw Length 13-31", Letoff 80%, speed 325 fps, axle to axle 28" Brace height 7" Bow weight 3#. Kit comes with soft bow case, Sight, Biscuit rest,...
Junxing M106 Target compound 40-60# 25-30.5
Axle to Axle 39.5", IBO 300 fps, Brace Height 8.25", Draw 25-30.5" Bow Weight 4#. Setup with 5 pin sight, brush rest, wrist release, 3 carbon arrows, peep, dloop,...
Junxing M128 compound bow 40-60#  RH
Axle to Axle 30", IBO 340 fps, Brace Height 7.1", Draw 25-31" Bow Weight 4#
Junxing M121 compound bow kit RH
Draw Weight 0-75#, Draw Length 13-31", Letoff 80%, speed 325 fps, axle to axle 28" Brace height 7" Bow weight 3. Kit comes with soft bow case, Sight, Biscuit rest,...
Junxing Max 7 Basic Kit RH 30-70# 19-31
Comes in Tan and Black, 30-70# 19-31", 320FPS, 32" Axle to Axle, 80% Let off Basic Kit includes whisker biscuit, sight, bow release, stabilizer, arrow quiver and...